moved files into src, copied and Makefile
authorPatrik Gornicz <>
Mon, 27 Apr 2009 19:27:20 +0000 (15:27 -0400)
committerPatrik Gornicz <>
Mon, 27 Apr 2009 19:27:20 +0000 (15:27 -0400)
Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Vector2.cpp [moved from Vector2.cpp with 100% similarity]
src/Vector2.h [moved from Vector2.h with 100% similarity]
src/ [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1b6a3c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+LIBGL  := -lGL -lGLU
+LIBSDL := `sdl-config --libs`
+DBGFLAGS := -ggdb
+MYFLAGS  := -Wall -pedantic -ansi
+VALFLAGS := --leak-check=full
+CXX := g++
+DIRS := # := start
+SRCSDIR := src/
+SRCS    := # := start
+OBJSDIR := objsd/
+OBJS    := # := start
+DEPSDIR := deps/
+DEPS    := # := start
+# include all of the
+DIRMK   :=
+include ${SRCSDIR}${DIRMK}
+WORKINGDIR  := bind/
+CFGDIRNAME  := configs/
+CFGS := # := start
+CFGS += keys.cfg
+CFGS := $(addprefix ${DSTCFGDIR},${CFGS})
+SRCLIBSDIR  := libs/
+LIBSTXT     := # := start
+LIBSTXT     := $(addprefix ${DSTLIBSDIR},${LIBSTXT})
+LIBSCPY     := # := start
+LIBSCPY     +=
+LIBSCPY     := $(addprefix ${DSTLIBSDIR},${LIBSCPY})
+TXT         := # := start
+TXT         += COPYING
+TXT         := $(addprefix ${DSTTXTDIR},${TXT})
+TARGETNAME  := run_physics
+DEPSBLDDIRS := ${DEPSDIR} $(addprefix ${DEPSDIR},${DIRS})
+OBJSBLDDIRS := ${OBJSDIR} $(addprefix ${OBJSDIR},${DIRS})
+PRNTFMT := printf "%-5s: %s\n"
+ifeq (${VERBOSE},0)
+    # quiet the printf command
+    Q1 := @
+    # quiet the command that is `replaced' by an echo
+    Q2 := @
+    # EAT the printf command as if it was not there
+    Q1 := @true # NOTE: the space between @true and the # is VERY important!!
+    # do not quiet the command output
+    Q2 :=
+.PHONY: all
+# cause the fancy $$ directory rules to work out
+# how to link the main target
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "${CXX}" "$@"
+       ${Q2}${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -o $@ $^ ${LIBS}
+# rule to copy tmp target to working directory
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "cp" "$@"
+       ${Q2}cp $< $@
+# rule to copy the config files into the working directory
+${DSTCFGDIR}%: ${SRCCFGDIR}% | $$(dir $$@)
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "cp" "$@"
+       ${Q2}cp $< $@
+# rule to copy the library files into the working directory
+${DSTLIBSDIR}%: ${SRCLIBSDIR}% | $$(dir $$@)
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "cp" "$@"
+       ${Q2}cp $< $@
+# rule to copy the library files into the working directory
+${DSTTXTDIR}%: ${SRCTXTDIR}% | $$(dir $$@)
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "cp" "$@"
+       ${Q2}cp $< $@
+# how to make a directory
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "mkdir" "$@"
+       ${Q2}mkdir -p $@
+# rule to make an object file from a .cpp
+${OBJSDIR}%.o: ${SRCSDIR}%.cpp | $$(dir $$@)
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "${CXX}" "$@"
+       ${Q2}${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -c -o $@ $< -I "${INCDIRS}"
+# rule to make a depend file from a .cpp
+#   be clever and escape the / chars in file paths
+#   DON'T simply use another sed delimiter or it can't appear in the file paths
+${DEPSDIR}%.d: ${SRCSDIR}%.cpp | $$(dir $$@)
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "DEP" "$@"
+       ${Q2}${CXX} -MM ${CXXFLAGS} $< -I "${INCDIRS}" | \
+               sed 's/\(^.*\):/$(subst /,\/,${OBJSDIR}\1 $@):/' > $@
+.PHONY: cleanbin
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "rm" "${WORKINGDIR}"
+       ${Q2}rm -rf ${WORKINGDIR}
+.PHONY: cleanobjs
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "rm" "${OBJSDIR}"
+       ${Q2}rm -rf ${OBJSDIR}
+.PHONY: cleandeps
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "rm" "${DEPSDIR}"
+       ${Q2}rm -rf ${DEPSDIR}
+.PHONY: clean
+clean: cleanobjs
+.PHONY: cleanall
+cleanall: clean cleanbin cleandeps
+.PHONY: gitclean
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "git clean" "showing; use gitcleanf to force removal"
+       ${Q2}git clean -nxd
+.PHONY: gitcleanf
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "git clean" "forcing"
+       ${Q2}git clean -fxd
+.PHONY: tar
+tar: physics.tar.bz2
+.PHONY: physics.tar.bz2
+       @${PRNTFMT} "git archive" "Warning, archives HEAD not current"
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "git archive" "physics.tar.bz2"
+       ${Q2}git archive --prefix=physics/ HEAD | bzip2 > physics.tar.bz2
+.PHONY: run
+run: all
+       cd ${WORKINGDIR}; ./${TARGETNAME}
+.PHONY: gdb
+gdb: all
+       cd ${WORKINGDIR}; gdb ${TARGETNAME}
+.PHONY: cgdb
+cgdb: all
+       cd ${WORKINGDIR}; cgdb ${TARGETNAME}
+.PHONY: val
+val: all
+       cd ${WORKINGDIR}; valgrind ${VALFLAGS} ./${TARGETNAME}
+.PHONY: prof
+prof: run
+       cd ${WORKINGDIR}; gprof -b ${TARGETNAME} > prof
+       cd ${WORKINGDIR}; kprof -f prof
+MINGMAKEARGS := "LIBGL      := -lopengl32 -lglu32" \
+                "LIBSDL     := `/usr/mingw32/bin/sdl-config --libs`" \
+                               "LIBSCPY    := $(addprefix bin-mingw32/,SDL.dll)" \
+                "CXXFLAGS   := ${OPTFLAGS}" \
+                "CXX        := mingw32-g++" \
+                "OBJSDIR    := objs-mingw32/" \
+                "WORKINGDIR := bin-mingw32/" \
+                "TARGETNAME := run_physics.exe"
+.PHONY: mingw32
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "make" "mingw32"
+       ${Q2}${MAKE} ${MINGMAKEARGS} cleanbin cleanobjs
+       ${Q2}${MAKE} ${MINGMAKEARGS} all
+                 "OBJSDIR    := objs/" \
+                 "WORKINGDIR := bin/"
+.PHONY: final
+       ${Q1}${PRNTFMT} "make" "final"
+       ${Q2}${MAKE} ${FINALMAKEARGS} cleanbin cleanobjs
+       ${Q2}${MAKE} ${FINALMAKEARGS} all
+-include ${DEPS}
similarity index 100%
rename from Vector2.cpp
rename to src/Vector2.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from Vector2.h
rename to src/Vector2.h
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..303c805
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+NEWSRCS := # insure blank
+NEWSRCS += game.cpp
+NEWSRCS += main.cpp
+NEWSRCS += mathw.cpp
+NEWSRCS += ticks.cpp
+NEWSRCS += Vector2.cpp
+NEWSRCS += handleSignal.cpp
+NEWSRCS += entityCreator.cpp
+NEWSRCS += entityManager.cpp
+NEWSRCS += effectManager.cpp
+NEWSRCS += collisionManager.cpp
+NEWSRCS += CollisionInfo.cpp
+NEWSRCS += debug.cpp
+NEWDIRS := # insure blank
+NEWDIRS += Entities/
+NEWDIRS += GameStates/
+NEWDIRS += Effects/
+NEWDIRS += config/
+NEWDIRS += input/
+NEWDIRS += graphics/
+NEWDIRS += locks/
+# Post dir setup
+NEWSRCS := $(addprefix ${CURDIR},${NEWSRCS})
+NEWDIRS := $(addprefix ${CURDIR},${NEWDIRS})
+NEWOBJS := ${NEWSRCS:.cpp=.o}
+NEWDEPS := ${NEWSRCS:.cpp=.d}
+# Append to lists
+SRCS    += ${NEWSRCS}
+DIRS    += ${NEWDIRS}
+OBJS    += $(addprefix ${OBJSDIR},${NEWOBJS})
+DEPS    += $(addprefix ${DEPSDIR},${NEWDEPS})
+include $(addprefix ${SRCSDIR},$(addsuffix ${DIRMK},${NEWDIRS}))