1 This file contains a TODO list for project Physics C++ using OpenGL.
2 a - entry is something to do,
3 a ~ entry has been started,
4 a + entry is something that was done,
5 and a * entry is something to remember when working in this area of the project.
6 *******************************************************************************
8 - make the tickCount file independent of platform. UNIX/Windows
9 - do a preprocessor if that changes the file based on OS
11 + investigate the make system, get it to build my project
12 * http://www.eng.hawaii.edu/Tutor/Make/
13 * http://www.opussoftware.com/tutorial/TutMakefile.htm
14 * http://www.sethi.org/classes/cet375/lab_notes/lab_04_makefile_and_compilation.html
18 + take skeleton of my C# Vector2 class
20 - game console needs to
24 - remove (at least direct) uses of stl and the std libs
26 - replace the set in collisionHandler
27 - replace the set in effectManager
30 - replace queue in entityCreator
32 - figure out a better way to sync the initializers of the threads
35 *******************************************************************************
37 http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/