This file contains a TODO list for project Blue Star in C++ with allegro. a - entry is something to do, a ~ entry has been started, a + entry is something that was done, and a * entry is something to remember when working in this area of the project. ******************************************************************************* - make the tickCount file independ of platform. UNIX/Windows - do a preprocessor if that changes the file based on OS + investigate the make system, get it to build my project * * * - Ship class - isFriendly - hp + position + velocity + force + mass + BITMAP + drawing + rotating + Vector2 class + take skeleton of my C# Vector2 class - map system - should have a notion of speed and direction - ex. side scrolling should be possible - diagonal scrolling should also be possible - rotational defense / final offensive scrolling - scrolling map background - static pieces are drawn into the background on loading - dynamic map pieces are stored and only displayed when on the screen - game console needs to - bind keys - load / save game - free play mode commands - switch levels - invincible - free money - collision system - boxes can be out-boxes as well as in-boxes - boxes can be relative to - map background - map objects - player - enemies - collision types include - object pickup - repulsion - character effects - slow down, map scrolling - speed up, map scrolling - gain health - lose health - random list of allegro things to read - create_video_bitmap() - int show_video_bitmap(BITMAP *bitmap); for my double buffering? - int request_video_bitmap(BITMAP *bitmap); for possible triple buffering - GFX_CAN_TRIPLE_BUFFER - int enable_triple_buffer(); - LInKS !!