These are a few style guidelines of my own that I try to adhere to. This is in a very short form as it's mostly for myself. - FileNameWithClass - ClassName - Public_Class_Variable - protected_Class_Variable - private_Class_Variable - fileNameWithMethods - variable_Local_To_File - methodName, class or file - method_parameter - method_variable - prefix consts with c, camel -> cName, under -> c_Name - sections of a file should be commented with the following where appropriate - they should appear in this order - they should have two newlines before star lines, excluding the first /// ***** Private Method Headers ***** /// ***** Private Variables ***** /// ***** Constructors/Destructors ***** /// ***** Public Methods ***** /// ***** Private Methods ***** /// ***** Public Class Methods ***** /// ***** Protected Class Methods ***** /// ***** Private Class Methods ***** /// ***** Header Class ***** /// ***** Header Methods *****